
Bachelor of Science in Information Technology

Information Technology is the study of utilization of both hardware and software technologies to provide computing solutions that address the needs of various users and organizations. The Bachelor of Science in Information Technology (BSIT) program encompasses a wide range of knowledge areas – from organizational information systems to systems infrastructure to prepare graduates that have the capability to select, apply, configure, integrate, deploy, and administer computing technology to meet user requirements over a large spectrum of contexts.

1st Semester
  • Mathematics in the Modern World
  • Purposive Communication
  • Sikolohiyang Pilipino
  • Christian Vision of the Human Person
  • Wellness and Fitness
  • CWTS
Major Subjects
  • Introduction to Computing
  • Computer Programming 1
2nd Semester
  • The Contemporary World
  • Readings in the Philippine History
  • Understanding the Self
  • Masining na Pagpapahayag
  • Christian Vision of Marriage and Family
  • Dance Arts
  • CWTS
Major Subjects
  • Human Computer Interaction
  • Computer Programming II

1st Semester
  • Christian Vision of the Church and Society
  • Recereational Sports
Major Subjects
  • Ethics
  • Data Structure and Algorithm
  • Object-Oriented Programming
  • Networking 1
  • Discrete Mathematics
  • IT Professional Ethics
2nd Semester
  • Art Appreciation
  • Panitikang Pilipino
  • Living the Christian Vision in the Contemporary World
  • Team Sports
Major Subjects
  • Integrative Programming and Technologies
  • Information Management
  • Networking 2
  • System Analysis and Design

1st Semester
  • Foreign Language
Major Subjects
  • Science, Technology and Society
  • Operating Systems
  • Social and Professional Issues
  • Information Assurance and Security
  • Fundamentals of Database Systems
  • Event-Driven Programming
  • Platform Tecnologies
2nd Semester
  • The Life and Works of Rizal
Major Subjects
  • System Integration and Architecture
  • System Administration and Maintenance
  • Capstone Project 1
  • Information Assurance and Security 2
  • Application Development and Emerging Technologies
  • Graphic Design
  • Quantitative Methods

1st Semester
Major Subjects
  • System Integration and Arcitecture
  • Capstone Project 1
  • Multimedia System
  • Web System and Technologies
2nd Semester
Major Subjects
  • Practicum

Course Description

Course Description
Introduction to Computing This course introduces computer concepts, hardware components, basic computer operations and use of software applications to solve problems. Students will have complete understanding and use of personal computers and application software such as Microsoft Word, Excel and PowerPoint.
Computer Programming 1 This course contains discussion about fundamental concepts of programming to the object-oriented. It contains topics from classes and objects, abstraction, encapsulation, data types, calling of methods and passing parameters, decision, loops, arrays and collections, documentation, testing and debugging, exceptions, design issues, inheritance and polymorphic variables and methods. The course emphasizes modern software engineering and design principles.
Human Computer Interaction This course covers the principles of human-computer interaction and the design and evaluation of user interfaces. Topics include an overview of human information processing subsystems (perception, memory, attention, and problem solving); how the properties of these systems affect the design of user interfaces; the principles, guidelines, and specification languages for designing good user interfaces, with emphasis on tool kits and libraries of standard graphical user interface objects; and a variety of interface evaluation methodologies that can be used to measure the usability of software. Course work includes both the creation and implementation of original user interface designs, and the evaluation of user interfaces created by others.
Computer Programming 2 This course introduces computer programming using the JAVA programming language with object-oriented programming principles. Emphasis is placed on event-driven programming methods, including creating and manipulating objects, classes, and using object-oriented tools such as the class debugger.
Data Structure and Algorithm The purpose of this course is to provide the students with solid foundations in the basic concepts of programming: data structures and algorithms. The main objective of the course is to teach the students how to select and design data structures and algorithms that are appropriate for problems that they might encounter. This course is also about showing the correctness of algorithms and studying their computational complexities. This course offers the students a mixture of theoretical knowledge and practical experience.
Object Oriented Programming This course discusses the object oriented model in programming. Students taking this course would have already taken a course on programming. This will help build good quality software using object-oriented techniques.
Networking Data communication is the fundamental course about the concept, design and management of data over a network. This course focuses on the components of communication system, the representation of data and the transmission mechanisms. The main focus of the course is on the physical layer of the OSI model.
Discrete Mathematics This course educates students to distinguish and articulate correct arguments, learn to present proof of validity of an argument, construct truth tables and evaluate relationships, sets, and functions of each element in discrete mathematics. Furthermore, learners will be introduced to Boolean Algebra and the principles and applications of logic circuits gates.
IT Professional Ethics This course offers extensive and topical coverage of the legal, ethical, and societal implications of information technology. Students will learn about issues such as the file sharing, infringement of intellectual property, security risks, internet crime, identity theft, employee surveillance, privacy, compliance, social networking, and ethics of IT corporations. Students will gain an excellent foundation in ethical decision making for current and future business managers and IT professionals.
Integrative Programming and Technologies This course covers the global demand for increased automation, mobile services, and business-to-business operations. Students will work as a group to discover and develop various system integration techniques to address requirements of an organization. They learn how to architect and integrate a very wide range of services effectively to deliver the requirements of an ERP system. This course combines processes, people and technologies in solving system integration problems and infrastructure challenges. A big part of the course is concentrated on developing architectures using application programming interface (API). It is expected that students perform hands on integration projects will be assigned for experimentation with available tools.
Information Management This course is designed to introduce students to Transact-SQL. It is designed in such a way that the first part of the content can be taught as a course to students requiring the knowledge for other courses in the SQL Server curriculum. The remaining content focuses on the skills required to take exam Microsoft Technology Associate Certification in Database (Exam 98-364) . Students for this exam are in the process of expanding their knowledge and skills in the following areas: core database concepts, relational database concepts, security requirements for databases and the data stored in them ,database objects, such as tables and views, graphical tools and T-SQL scripts, database queries and stored procedures.
Networking 2 This course begins with the subnetting and understanding the importance of network systems, appreciation of its practical, intellectual, and application in our daily life. The course covers the design, configuration and deployment of switches in utilizing VLANs, trunking, and port aggregation. It also includes the implementation of multiple networks. Connections and selection of routing and switching equipment for a given network application and load balancing in routers and switches.
System Analysis and Design In this course, the students will become familiar with the different phases of information systems development. Discussions will concentrate on the initiation, analysis, design, development, implementation and maintenance of a system and the different tools used in systems analysis and design.
Operating System This course will introduce the core concepts of operating systems, such as processes and threads, scheduling, synchronization, memory management, file systems, input and output device management and security. The course will consist of assigned reading, weekly lectures, a midterm and final exam, and a sequence of programming assignments. The goal of the readings and lectures is to introduce the core concepts. The goal of the programming assignments is to give students some exposure to operating system code. Students are expected to read the assigned materials prior to each class, and to participate in in-class discussions.
Social and Professional Issues The course introduces information ethics and ethical theories. It enables the student to have discussions on the ethical dilemmas and issues facing IT practitioners.
Information Assurance and Security The protection of information assets underpins the commercial viability and profitability of all enterprises and the effectiveness of public sector organizations. It should not be left to chance. If you work in an organization concerned (directly or indirectly) with valuable information assets, this practical course will enable you to understand and manage strategic and operational aspects of information security, including IT governance and risk analysis and management. It will also provide the knowledge and skills needed to plan the implementation of an information security management system that provides efficient, effective safeguards and responds to your organization’s needs.
Fundamentals of Database System This course presents the fundamental concepts of database design and use. It provides a study of data models, data description languages, and query facilities including relational algebra and SQL, data normalization, transactions and their properties, physical data organization and indexing, security issues and object databases.
Event-Driven Programming This course covers the principles and techniques involved in creating GUI (Graphical User Interface) programs using RAD (Rapid Application Development) tools. Topics include the concepts of event driven programming, principles of human interface design, and the utilization of tools available in the Microsoft Visual Studio software environment.
Platform Technologies This course prepares the students to become an IT professionals where their major role is to analyze the organization’s IT requirements based on the demand of an organization so that they can fully operate their services. It covers the major parts of operating systems, computer architecture and organization as the components of Platform Technologies. In the area of the operating systems, topics included are the common scheduling algorithm, memory management and device management. Added with the best security and protection practice and the fault tolerance. In the knowledge area of computer architecture and organization it covers from the
System Integration and Architecture This course covers the principles of human-computer interaction and the design and evaluation of user interfaces. Topics include an overviewThis course studies the process of integrating different systems and software applications by examining current and emerging trends, strategies, and techniques for developing systems integration solutions effectively. Example topics covered include, but are not limited to: documenting integration requirements using business process models, designing integration solutions reusing patterns, and implementing integration solutions using service oriented architecture.
System Administration and Maintenance This course allows the students to explore Unix and Microsoft Windows systems and their administration and maintenance within the network setting. Students will learn to install, ,maintain , and extend multi-user computer systems and how to develop administrative policies and procedures. Students will also learn how to apply trouble shooting and problem solving skills to resolve user and system issues.
Capstone Project 1 The course teaches the System Development Life Cycle (SDLC), beginning with the conceptual planning and review phases of an engineering project. The students practice project documentation, formal design review presentations, oral defense of the project, and writing a final report. The course introduces technical methods for analyzing, designing, prototyping, synthesizing, troubleshooting, and testing an integrated system (comprising multiple devices and subsystems) to create a scientific experimental device.
Application Development and Engineering Technologies This course focuses on the development of software application using the web and emerging technologies. Emphasis is on the requirements management, interface design, usability, deployment including ethical and legal considerations.
Graphic Design A study of two-dimensional (2-D) design with emphasis on the visual communication design process. Topics include basic terminology and graphic design principles, introduction to the fundamentals of design that lead to the discovery and comprehension of the visual language. Form, balance, structure, rhythm, and harmony are studied in black and white and in color. Various media will be used. Foundation laid for advanced courses in design.
Capstone Project II It is a hands on approach, for students to build a working systems that process data at scale. The systems built will be evaluated based on three criteria: Accuracy, Usability and Maintainability and Robustness. A panel formed by industry professionals and faculty, will judge the completed projects.
Multimedia System This course will cover topics in the emerging area of multimedia systems including but not limiting to the Fundamentals of multimedia, media and data streams, sound/audio, image, graphics, video and animation.
Web System and Technologies Building on the basic Web Technologies unit in the CSI course, students will learn to create more dynamic and interactive websites using JavaScript. Advanced HTML, CSS, and basic JavaScript enhance the client-side webpages and students will learn to use these technologies for their specific purposes. Students begin working with server-side scripting and web applications development using PHP and MySQL in the second quarter. This will allow students to create websites that store, access, and use data stored in the database tables and it allows them to perform simple SQL queries to produce the desired results.
Practicum Practicum is an immersion program wherein the students will have the chance and opportunity to be with the IT industry. This program is important because the students will have the chance to apply the skills, knowledge and attitude learned in the school and at the same time the opportunity to experience the corporate environment.